Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Program

Our one-year Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Program offers fellows training that combines a comprehensive didactic curriculum with robust experience in the field of forensic psychiatry. Fellows leave our program equipped with the forensic knowledge, skills, judgment, attitudes and values required to practice across all areas of forensic psychiatry.

Why our program could be right for you

Our Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Program provides trainees exposure to all aspects of forensic work, including immigration, legal regulation of general psychiatric practices and the treatment of those incarcerated in jails, prisons and special forensic psychiatric hospitals. In addition to our social justice activities, we are especially proud of our work in the areas of mental health and social determinant. As part of our training, we offer mentorship opportunities in support of our trainees’ individual interests. 

Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Training Locations

Bronx Psychiatric Center

The Bronx Psychiatric Center is a state psychiatric facility that provides a comprehensive range of inpatient and ambulatory clinical services, along with research and community programs for general psychiatric patients, including a large forensic psychiatric patient population. As a statewide consultation referral site, our program provides fellows extensive hands-on training in a broad spectrum of civil and criminal forensic work.

Sing Sing Correctional Facility

Sing Sing Correctional Facility is a prison operated by the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. Supported by the New York State Office of Mental Health, the OMH Satellite Unit provides regular and comprehensive mental health services for inmates. Working within the facility’s mental health service, fellows receive didactic and experiential training in all aspects of criminal forensics and correctional psychiatry, including the diagnostic, treatment, disposition and aftercare needs of a diverse criminally incarcerated patient population.

Bronx TASC Mental Health Court Program

The Bronx TASC Mental Health Court Program seeks to find meaningful solutions for defendants in the criminal justice system who are suffering from mental illness. The program offers an alternative to incarceration through the evaluation, placement and supervision of defendants who, instead of being placed in jail or prison, are diverted to residential and outpatient mental-health settings. Working with the diversion service provides fellows active exposure to this increasingly important area of forensic psychiatry.

NYC DOHMH/Correctional Health Service Mental Health Services

It is the mission of New York City Health and Hospitals Correctional Health Services to provide quality mental health care to the inmate population of the New York City Department of Correction. Fellows who participate in this rotation receive training in conducting mental-health assessments, providing treatment and delivering longitudinal follow-ups within a correctional facility. Fellows here also observe administrative review meetings, treatment team meetings and crisis interventions.

A world-renowned faculty

Merrill R. Rotter, MD

Director, Law and Psychiatry
Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Program
Associate Professor, Psychiatry

Maryam H. Jahdi, MD, MPH

Associate Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship
Site Supervisor, Bronx Mental Health Court/Bronx TASC Mental Health Program

A challenging and innovative curriculum

Our fellowship curriculum offers a comprehensive overview of forensic psychiatry through a combination of didactic instruction, seminars and forensic evaluations. Led by renowned faculty from institutions across the city and around the country, fellows participate in a unique didactic curriculum, and are supervised in their evaluations and report writing. 

Hospital employees having a meeting in an office.

Fellowship Application Information

We’re seeking fellows who will shape the future of healthcare.

If you would like to apply to become a Forensic Psychiatry Fellow at Montefiore Einstein, here is some information to keep in mind. Please note: Our program offers positions on a rolling basis during the interview season, until all positions are filled.

  • January 2021—Accepting applications for the 2022-2023 academic year
  • April 2021-June 2021—Interviews for the 2022-2023 academic year

Have questions? Get in touch.

Merrill Rotter, MD
Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship

Learn More about the Montefiore Einstein Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences